The complete tool for your booking agency

Simplify your artist bookings and reduce your workload. Sign up and we´ll send you an email when we launch.



A headquarter
for your booking agency

A complete tool for booking your artists to live events. Manage and coordinate performances, negotiate and sign contracts, and keep control of your income and expenses. All in one place.

Planning and management

Handle guestlists and setlists directly on your phone, or download them as PDF for printout on the go. Easily access your contact list with all relevant people, from management and light tech to on-site artist hospitality.

Checklists and Contracts

One-punch-go approach. Checklists are sent as a form to the venue by email; this is filled out online and is easily fed back to the booking agency for a quick contract conversion. Set up templates for your checklists and contracts to get the tedious stuff out of the way.

Financial control

Add expenses and income to a show or tour, and your general transactions. Generate invoices to customers automatically based on the contract, and access your economic breakdowns and statistics.

Team communication

Calendar with cross-user reminders. Tag teammates with reminders on specific tasks, get automatic reminders on checklists, contracts, and payments, and a clear general overview of essential tasks. Android/iOS application with chat communication internally or between management and artist.


An organizational database is created by providing templates to checklists, a customer- and contact list to quickly fetch needed information and forms sent by email. Manage artist itineraries and quickly switch between artists and tours. Create a workspace that provides a quick and understandable overview.

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